Saturday March 8, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EST
Bring a book! All books are good books whether they be text, audio, graphic, comic, etc! You can even bring books to share! Drag a friend along with you! Conventions are full of fun, noise, and friends, but sometimes it's nice to chill out with a book in relative quiet and meet some new bookish friends. The first portion of the panel will be a quiet reading session and then afterwards we'll mingle and talk about our books. (Notes: 1) You're welcome to listen to audiobooks/music, but please wear earbuds that are not audible to the person sitting next to you. 2) This panel is open to all ages, so please keep your book, especially ones with graphic elements PG-13)
Saturday March 8, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EST
Panel 2 (Piedmont II)

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